Biscuits and Gravy

Biscuits and Gravy |

I may have gone to The University of the South, but trust me, I have no delusions of being a southern belle. I’m a Yankee through and through, from the pace at which I walk to the way I say ‘pecan’. But as someone who has spent a solid chunk of her time there, I do have an appreciation of the South and of southern cuisine.

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Deep Dish Quiche

Deep Dish Quiche |

I have a great Easter brunch for you. How ‘bout that? This may be the first time I’ve had the forethought to share something with you that is seasonally relevant while also being published in a timely manner before a holiday. After a year plus, I’ve learned some things about the blogging world.

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The Gnocchi Blues

Photo Oct 20, 4 21 02 PM

Right now is the time for pumpkin everything, right? Duh, why am I even asking that, it’s October. Pumpkins are the essence of October. That’s why I took a vacation day just to visit a pumpkin patch on Friday. I had to get several small pumpkins and gourds for my fall tablescape…because this is what matters to me in the world. However, something had been troubling me all week; that something was pumpkin ricotta gnocchi.

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