Almost Flourless Chocolate Cake

Almost Flourless Chocolate Cake |

Not to hit you with two dessert posts back to back…but that’s exactly what I’m doing. I’m here to give you another dessert post and there’s nothing to be done about that.

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A Pinch of Summer: Fourth of July Cake Balls

Fourth of July Cake Balls |

Hi guys, as some of you may or may not know, I am Tory’s ~mostly terrible in the kitchen~ BFF Atlee. You can go ahead ask her about the time our Moms went to college together and how we’ve been friends since we were 0 years old and how we were born a day apart, etc etc etc, I’m sure she would love to tell a great Tory Story about it. (V. true. I definitely love telling that Tory Story.)

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Chocolate Chip Cookies with Sea Salt

Chocolate Chip Cookies with Sea Salt

I don’t want to make any sweeping generalizations or anything, but I think I’ve found the most popular cookie recipe. I’ve made these Chocolate Chip Cookies with Sea Salt a handful of times in the past few months and every time I bring them into work, they’re polished off in no time at all. Co-workers travel far and wide (at least as far and as wide as you can get with 3 floors) to get their hands on these tasty treats.

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Christmas Saltine Toffee Bars

Photo Dec 18, 12 35 32 PM

We all have family secrets, right? I’m not talking about that weird skeleton in the closet stuff because that’s for a different time, like when you accidentally down buckets of wine. I’m talking about a family’s secret recipes. As it turns out, my biggest and best Christmas recipes are just that – secrets. Those are the recipes that I’m not willing to share with all twelve of you that read this lil’ ole blog. I guess that’s kind of silly since most of you are family, but here’s hoping a few others are reading!

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Chocolate Munchkins for Christmas

Photo Dec 05, 11 00 56 AM

Two days ago I had one of those panicked moments that we all have around the holidays when I realized that Christmas is in twenty days. That’s twenty days filled with work, chores, baking, cooking, parties, travel, and in many cases, break downs. I don’t know when I became such a busy grown up but geez, here I am trying to juggle work and play like a real person. And ya know what? I like it. It makes you feel like a productive and useful member of society. Oddly enough, it took talking to my mother, who is prone to these panicked moments herself, to calm me down. So Thursday night, I went home, separated my laundry and started heating the oil for these rich chocolate doughnut holes. Or munchkins, if you will. It’s all about the multitasking y’all!

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