A Pinch of Summer: Grilled Skirt Steak with a Garlic and Herb Sauce

Grilled Skirt Steak with a Garlic and Herb Sauce | apinchofthis.nyc

I’m looking at a dime-sized burn on my wrist, feeling like a real-life, serious, cooks-everything-on-the-grill griller.

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Summer Happy Hour Spreads: Herbed Ricotta, Pea Pesto, & Pimento Cheese

Photo May 30, 10 18 21 AM

Well, Memorial Day Weekend has come and gone and I’m so happy it’s the start of another summer season.

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Produce & Productivity: Summer Salad Dressings

roasted garlic salad dressing | apinchofthis.nyc

Listen up, y’all. I have something important to say. Just because it’s Sunday and you’re all alone, that doesn’t mean you can’t make yourself a Sunday night feast. And just because it’s 90 degrees and brutal outside, that doesn’t mean your feast can’t include a roast chicken. I won’t let any of that stop me. No way, no how. Either way I’m roasting a chicken. (You can expect this to be the title of my first memoir.)

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Classic Tzatziki

Classic Tzatziki

I love being a grown up. Sure, some aspects are the worst, like taxes. But the freedom of choice you have as an adult is fantastic. I particularly enjoy deciding what I want to cook and when. If I want to fry pumpkin doughnuts the day after eating an undisclosed number of chicken nuggets, I can. If I want to wake up hungover to make homemade “breakfast handpies” (read: pop tarts), I can. And if I want to make certain dishes that my mother tells me to for Easter weekend, I can do that too.

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Arugula & Pistachio Pesto

Arugula & Pistachio Pesto

I love pesto. I think it belongs on everything. It’s a spread, a sauce, a dip, a dressing. Pesto is an essential condiment in my book, and something I think everyone should have in their freezer, ready to be defrosted at a moment’s notice. It’ll save you in a pinch, whether you have last minute dinner guests or you just get a massive craving for pesto pasta, pesto chicken, or pesto on a darn Wheat Thin. If you have pesto in your freezer, you’re set.

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Jerusalem’s Hummus


I’d like to say that I spent the whole snow day that most New Yorkers enjoyed last week lazing around in pajamas, drinking coffee and wine while binging on Netflix. That would have been really lovely. Instead I spent it in the kitchen making hummus and washing loads of dishes I created for myself. Ugh, productivity, you’re the worst.

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Sage, Prosciutto, & Walnut Pesto Tartine


Sage, Prosciutto, & Walnut Pesto | apinchofthis.nyc

Not quite a year ago, a friend and I stumbled into a small, romantically lit French-inspired eatery in the West Village for a quick bite before heading around the corner to see a play. The only thing I remember about the play is that it was too long. What I do remember about that night is the tartine I ordered at Buvette – the well-known gastrotheque that I had only just come across.

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