Chicken & Andouille Jambalaya

chicken and andouille jambalaya |

A few weeks months ago, I was lucky enough to attend a cookbook launch at the Bon Appétit Test Kitchen. I’m just one of those girls who dashes about town, going to fun, super cool events like that.

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Produce & Productivity: Summer Salad Dressings

roasted garlic salad dressing |

Listen up, y’all. I have something important to say. Just because it’s Sunday and you’re all alone, that doesn’t mean you can’t make yourself a Sunday night feast. And just because it’s 90 degrees and brutal outside, that doesn’t mean your feast can’t include a roast chicken. I won’t let any of that stop me. No way, no how. Either way I’m roasting a chicken. (You can expect this to be the title of my first memoir.)

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Home Cooking with Laurie Colwin: Baked Mustard Chicken and Herb Biscuits

A Pinch of This | Laurie Colwin's Baked Mustard Chicken and Herb Biscuits

Back in mid-May, I made what very well may be the last meal I cook in my home of 16 years. My parents are selling our house. Just like baking chocolate or revenge, it’s bittersweet. After living in five different states all while under the age of 10, we finally landed in New Jersey, where I did most of my growing up and where I learned how great bagels really are. In that house, we’ve said goodbye to dear pets and we’ve welcomed new ones. On our street, I learned how to drive in a car that was recently, after 17 years, traded in for a pick-up truck. (I’m still laughing about how my dad parks his new truck behind his cream-colored Mini-Cooper with racing stripes.) Through the years, I’ve left our pretty, grey house for multiple adventures to Europe and across the U.S. Over almost two years in Brooklyn, I’ve gone back often to spend quiet weekends in the suburbs with my parents and my pets. And, in our home’s kitchen, I’ve learned how to cook.

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Ode to Vermont Salad

Ode to Vermont Salad

Looking back at all my previous blog posts, I realize that I can come across as a little one-dimensional. This post will both reinforce that idea while also dispelling it. I can be a bit of a Vermont-loving, comfort food-makin’ one trick pony. I can’t help but be inspired by Vermont and I can’t help loving warm, comforting food. But I do, in fact, branch out. With the arrival of spring (or so I’m told. It’s currently snowing in NYC), comes my craving for fresh and healthy foods. What better way to welcome the spring than by making a big ole salad inspired by my trip to Vermont last weekend (is anyone really surprised)?

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Ina’s Lemon Chicken with Croutons

Photo Nov 24, 9 46 07 AM

I just spent a weekend in New Hampshire with my grandparents. They always spoil me rotten so I really wanted to treat them this time, even just a little bit. Although, let’s face it; they were still spoiling me. Cooking isn’t ever really a chore. I was choosing between a few different chicken dishes (like this one and this one), but ultimately, we all decided on Ina’s Lemon Chicken with Croutons.

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