A Pinch of the Holidays: Gift Guide 2017


Ya know when there’s something you really want to be good at, but no matter how hard you try, you just can’t get there? Some things are just intrinsic to some people and not to others. That’s how I feel about giving gifts.

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A Pinch About: Dutch Ovens

Stewed White Beans with Farro | apinchofthis.nyc

I was at the beach last weekend for a wedding, when the topic of Dutch ovens came up. My friend Laura, the bride, asked me what she should make in her new Le Creuset when we were at the afterparty. In that particular setting I didn’t quite have a list of recipes to rattle off to her, but right away I shouted, “Ricotta! Ya gotta make ricotta, it’s so easy….but uhhhh, remind me tomorrow,” and I went back to my prosecco split and totally not embarrassing Snapchat story.

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Essential Kitchen Tools

Essential Kitchen Tools | apinchofthis.nyc

I’m terrified of the day I move out of my current apartment. Over the past three and a half years, I’ve steadily accumulated more and more kitchen and serving ware, and there are no signs of it slowing down. I’ve got the monopoly on kitchen space, taking up every odd nook and cranny with mixing bowls, Tupperware, cutting boards, pots, pans, and more. The storage nook above my closet, which most people would use for luggage or off-season clothing, houses my stand mixer, food processor, dutch oven, serving bowls, this big ole wine cooler, and much more.

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