A Pinch of Summer: Tomato, Cucumber & Ricotta Crostini

Tomato, Cucumber & Ricotta Crostini | apinchofthis.nyc

I did that thing again where I just disappear from my blog because I lack focus and also go to the beach a lot. I guess we’ll all just have to accept that I’m a big ole flake at the end of summer. Continue reading

A Pinch of Summer: Grilled Salmon Salade Niçoise

Grilled Salmon Salade Niçoise | apinchofthis.nyc

When your Instagram and SnapChat feeds are full of images of rosé and beach shots from the French Riviera, there is nothing to do but get yourself to a similar locale as soon as possible. So, this past weekend when several of my coworkers were traipsing along the Mediterranean downing pretty pink wines, I returned to LBI for a weekend of bike building, yacht club cocktail hours, and as always, more grilling.

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Classic Tzatziki

Classic Tzatziki

I love being a grown up. Sure, some aspects are the worst, like taxes. But the freedom of choice you have as an adult is fantastic. I particularly enjoy deciding what I want to cook and when. If I want to fry pumpkin doughnuts the day after eating an undisclosed number of chicken nuggets, I can. If I want to wake up hungover to make homemade “breakfast handpies” (read: pop tarts), I can. And if I want to make certain dishes that my mother tells me to for Easter weekend, I can do that too.

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An Afternoon Tea

Afternoon Tea

Are you ready for a bountiful beauty of a post? Because I have one. I have several simple recipes to share with you today concerning afternoon tea. Oh my.

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