Beef & Brussels Bowl

Beef & Brussels Bowl |

You’re probably thinking, “Welp, Tory’s off the blogging again, what a flake. In the summer she travels, in the fall she travels, and I guess in the winter, she travels. What she doesn’t do is blog. This blog is dead. I’m over it.”

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Breakfast Hand Pies (formerly known as Pop Tarts)

Breakfast Hand Pies

I love a good kitchen adventure. While it’s important that I have my regular and dependable recipes to pull out when needed, I also want to try making something new every now and then. I mean, let’s live life, amirite? Who wants to become the predictable girl who always brings the same Chocolate Chip Cookies with Sea Salt into the office? Not me. So last week, inspired by both King Arthur Flour’s instagram and a snack-loving coworker, I set out to make my very own Pop-Tarts®. Let’s just call them Breakfast Hand Pies.

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Cinnamon Rolls with a Maple Cream Cheese Glaze

Cinnamon Rolls with a Maple Cream cheese Galze

Several months ago, a coworker of mine gave me a gallon of pure maple syrup. She got it as a gift for Christmas and said she’d never go through all of it. In my Vermont crazed mind, I thought I would go through all of it super quickly. You can do a lot with maple syrup! And, I don’t know if you knew this, I love Vermont. (see here, here, and here)

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Chocolate Chip Cookies with Sea Salt

Chocolate Chip Cookies with Sea Salt

I don’t want to make any sweeping generalizations or anything, but I think I’ve found the most popular cookie recipe. I’ve made these Chocolate Chip Cookies with Sea Salt a handful of times in the past few months and every time I bring them into work, they’re polished off in no time at all. Co-workers travel far and wide (at least as far and as wide as you can get with 3 floors) to get their hands on these tasty treats.

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Christmas Saltine Toffee Bars

Photo Dec 18, 12 35 32 PM

We all have family secrets, right? I’m not talking about that weird skeleton in the closet stuff because that’s for a different time, like when you accidentally down buckets of wine. I’m talking about a family’s secret recipes. As it turns out, my biggest and best Christmas recipes are just that – secrets. Those are the recipes that I’m not willing to share with all twelve of you that read this lil’ ole blog. I guess that’s kind of silly since most of you are family, but here’s hoping a few others are reading!

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