Maple Oat Bread

A Pinch of This | Maple Oat Bread

There are so many wonderful smells in the world. Fresh lilacs. Dried lavender. Warm laundry. New cars. Chicken roasting. Bacon frying. Brisk autumn air. These are all beautiful and evocative smells that make life so sweet. But bread baking? That might be my raison d’être. Or at least, that’s what I thought to myself two weekends in a row, each time I made maple oat bread. If I could have bread baking in my apartment at all times without even eating the bread, I would be content. It smells that good.

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A Farewell to Summer: Cole Slaw and (Hemingway) Cocktails

Photo Sep 29, 4 13 00 PM

I’m alive! Were you worried?

I have been running around every single weekend for the past two months and it does NOT lend itself to photographing meals or blogging. So I’m a bit behind and playing catch up now. Though it’s now technically autumn (yesssss), I’m here to finish up this year’s A Pinch of Summer series.

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