A Pinch of the Holidays: Gift Guide 2017


Ya know when there’s something you really want to be good at, but no matter how hard you try, you just can’t get there? Some things are just intrinsic to some people and not to others. That’s how I feel about giving gifts.

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Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from me and Marlowe! We love each other so much, as evidenced by this photo, and we want to share that love with you.

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

I’ve been hard at work in the kitchen all week with recipes that, of course, are top secret. I’m bummed I can’t share them with you, but what can I say? Family tradition is sacred. Here is a photo of my Nana’s Yorkshire pudding. She makes it every Christmas and I could eat it all day long. But then I’d quadruple in size and, well, that’s just not something I’m interested in, ya know?

Photo Dec 25, 10 27 05 PM

Photo Dec 25, 10 28 24 PM

This pudding is like a majestic volcano, steaming and about to erupt in sizzling, fatty drops. Heavenly.

Anyway, I’ll be back very soon with some delights to share. Merry Christmas, y’all!